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They talk about WF

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"Féminisation des rues : un courrier a été envoyé aux 100 maires des plus grandes villes de France"

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"Seules trois femmes sont venues grossir les gradins de l’hémicycle. Sur les 348 sénateurs qui le composent, les femmes ne sont que 126, soit 36 % de l’effectif total, contre 46,67 % de candidates cette année."

Women First apparait sur le
media Ouest France, ici

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Women First apparait sur le
media Paris Match, ici

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"Why are there so few women at the head of large companies?"

"The management consulting firm working to accelerate the rise of women in organizations still posted on the professional social network on Tuesday a message of support for Nathalie Roos."


"Olivier Marti fondateur de Women First et de Candidate First est au micro de Patrice Arditti et Céline Amaury. Il nous raconte pourquoi la place de la femme, à des postes stratégiques, est importante dans l'entreprise."

Ecoutez le podcast ici

"Olivier Marti, the founder of Women First, a company whose object is the support and development of women."

"CFO, a function that is still too masculine."

Our ecosystem has talented and ambitious women who have the shoulders to take on such a position. It is to highlight them that we have published our Top 20 of future CAC 40 women CEOs.

Olivier MARTI invited by Be Smart to discuss with Jean-Marc Sylvestre and Noémie Wira in the program Enjeux et Priorités.

Accelerating the rise of women in society and in private and institutional organizational spheres, this is the ambition pursued by Women First, a program for the feminization of organizations, particularly in operational functions.

WF meetings

Claire Calmejane, Innovation Director of the Societe Generale Group

Rokhaya Diallo,
French journalist, author, anti-racist and feminist activist, columnist and director.

Elisabeth Moreno, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, responsible for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities.

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